Cryptid Quest


Find them, before they find you

For 10 years, Cryptid Quest has produced over 200 cards featuring creatures from cryptozoology, the study of unknown animals, like the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot & Yetis. In addition to the card series, Cryptid Quest is a book series, about Rick Arbuckle & Caroline Whitney as they investigate sightings of mysterious creatures in Bridgetown. Don’t forget to check out the Cryptid Quest Twitter & Tumblr, where a new cryptid is featured daily.


Main Features


Cryptid Quest Cards

View some of the best of the 230 Cryptid Quest cards and learn how to get yourself a pack of the original 24.

Cryptid Quest Books

Rick Arbuckle believes in cryptids, while Caroline thinks they’re all hogwash. Despite their differences, the two team up to solve Bridgetown’s cryptid mysteries.

Cryptid of the Day

Every day, learn about a new cryptid, or go back and read the hundreds of others posted on the Cryptid Quest Twitter & Tumblr.